Monday, July 5, 2010

family: ... yummy, yummy, i've got love in my....

An update on where we're at with regard to life's big issues (pre-teen pregnancy for example).

Funny, she doesn't look pregnant!

Several conversations crossing like sniper fire in the kitchen:

K: I'm pregnant
me: wow
L (with 2 purses over her shoulders): look at me! I carrying 2 bags.
M (laughing at my comment): you're carrying a lot, L.
K: why you laughing? It's not....
me: not funny?
K: no!
M: I was laughing at your daddy.
L: look at me! I have a lot.... a lot... a lot on my thhoulders!
me (laughing now): yeah, you do. And I do too!
K: I'm still pregnant. I have 2 babies in my tummy. One the size of a jelly bean and one the size of ....
L: Daddy, I'm still pregnant but my babies are not pregnant. my babies are not pregnant because.... because.... because I'm still pregnant but my babies are not pregnant because.... because....

Ok, I'm glad we got that all sorted out!

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