Thursday, February 24, 2011

... it runs in the family...

... genius I mean...

Genius, captured

And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's another view, tightly cropped:

first time, unassisted
3y2mo, 2/18/11

We were sitting at the kitchen table, probably trying to read the paper while ignoring the loud "conversations" zinging around the space between our heads, when I looked up and realized that L had written her name, by herself, for the first time. We've been "dotting" out the letters recently (that's how they start in Montessori school, and she's watched K learn to write that way), but this was unassisted. And something of a shock.

Proud? Nah, just another flash of brilliance in our brightly lit lives.

I do wish I'd managed to grab the piece of paper before she covered it, but then again, that's just a parent trying to control what he cannot possibly control.

Note: You can find a memory refresher for a similarly bright flash here.

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