life list

 From an idea stolen from Maggie, of Mighty Girl, though there are others doing similar lists....
  1. go to Greece again 
  2. snorkel w/ K&L
  3. bike in Europe w/ my family
  4. publish photos of a outrigger race
  5. interview someone I respect
  6. publish a novel
  7. drink tea at a tea plantation in India
  8. write and publish a photo essay about Hawaii
  9. establish a tradition of sharing a holiday with others
  10. surprise M with a garden party lit by lamps in our trees
  11. cross the equator on a boat
  12. paddle in the Molokai Ho'e
  13. take the girls (K&L) to a non-English speaking country
  14. see the Great Wall of China
  15. go to Ni'ihau
  16. hike the Alakai Swamp
  17. create a photo book of old family pictures for my sisters
  18. watch falling stars w/ my family while lying in a sleeping bag in Haleakala Crater
  19. complete the Gorge outrigger canoe race
  20. paddle Maliko to Kahului (or Kanaha) - aug, 2010
  21. go to Easter Island
  22. visit Viet Nam
  23. drink espresso with M at a cafe in Paris
  24. write and publish a novel
  25. watch my girls become self-sufficient
  26. find an arrowhead
  27. teach K&L how to make plumeria leis
  28. finish the studio and settle in
  29. go wine tasting in Italy w/ M
  30. go on safari
  31. see the Pyramids
  32. ride in a hot air balloon
  33. ride a camel in the desert
  34. take a photography road trip through the west/southwest
  35. have an exhibit of my photographs
  36. spend a week on a south pacific island w/ M and the girls
  37. go to NYC w/ M
  38. celebrate a second honeymoon
  39. take the ferry to Alaska
  40. see penguins in the wild
  41. snowshoe/xcountry ski in Yellowstone in winter
  42. have an artist use one of my photos for an album or book cover
  43. help send an unrelated child to college
  44. exchange letters with the president
  45. go to the Galapagos Islands
  46. paddle the Kaiwi channel
  47. see K&L get married (or whatever equivalent it is they choose to do with a life partner)
  48. be self-employed
  49. ride (underwater) in a submarine
  50. sail across the Pacific
  51. play music in public
  52. see Lenin's tomb
  53. ride a horse bareback with K
  54. help someone build a house
  55. watch the sun rise in Spain
  56. write a song someone else wants to sing
  57. ride the Orient Express from start to finish
  58. see Hong Kong
  59. drink whiskey in Scotland
  60. publicly acknowledge someone who has made a difference to me
  61. teach someone how to use a camera