Sunday, June 15, 2014

... it takes two...

or, How I Spent My 2014 Father's Day.

I may not think much about Father's Day, the holiday, but I sure do think a lot about being a father. And it's these two that matter when it comes to me being a father. They're out of town for a couple of weeks, so I had the day to myself, to focus on projects around the house.

Which I did. But I missed my family too and thought about how well (or poorly) I manage as a dad and where I fail and where I maybe am doing ok or slightly better than that. I thought about my own dad and my relationship to him and how I was grateful that I grew up enough to appreciate who he was and what he did for me before he died. And I know that at some point my girls will become teenagers and not want to hold my hand when we walk to the store, or sit with me when they wake up in the morning, or come running to greet me when I get home, but right now they both still do want to do those things, L will snuggle close and let me put my arm around her as I read her a bedtime story and K has taken to whispering "You're the best daddy in the whole world" (or mommy, when she's telling this to M) as we tuck her into bed, and I realize that being a father to these two young women is a pretty damn good gig.

Happy Father's Day, girls! I love you.

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