Sunday, January 9, 2011

family: ... i went to the fortune teller...

M's horoscope for today:

"Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Today is a 6 -- A problem is solved with logic, and you learn from any mistakes. Get assistance from a loved one. It's a good day for romance. Light some candles."

And man, did they nail it!

M, enjoying romantic candle light early this morning

If, that is, "A problem is solved with logic" = you accept that the power is out so the heat is out so you wear your heavy coat and hat at the breakfast table, and "Get assistance from a loved one" = have your husband figure out how to light the gas stove using a candle so that you can have some tea since the espresso maker isn't going to work!, and "It's a good day for romance. Light some candles." = drink that tea and read the paper by candle light.

The way it works is: the smoke alarms started chirping at about 5a, which woke the dog, who woke the parents and L, and then we were all awake and cold and dark and try to explain what "the power is out" means to a 3 year old who decides she's ready for breakfast.

ps, I'm not sure why the day is a "6" if it started around 5....

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